March 2013

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Kick-Ass 2 poster – UPDATE

Kick-Ass 2 got Character posters!! Ok first we have Aaron Taylor-Johnson playing Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass (Source Then we have Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy Macready/Hit-Girl (Source Then Christopher Mintz-Plasse…

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Kick-Ass 2 steals story from other superhero?

Kick-Ass 2 is becoming awfully similar to another superhero series… but I’ll explain that later on, first: The poster, the trailer (and analysis) and then the movie comparison.  OK, so…

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U.S. President to join the action in Expendables 3?

That’s right, former U.S. President Bill Clinton is apparently going to make his movie debut in “The Expendables 3” (unknown release date). (Source Melty.Fr) According to MTV, they caught up…

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